



One woman’s documentation of her journey with Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder.

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Seeking Diagnosis

Like many women, I’ve had my fill of medical concerns dismissed by doctors. One example being when I experienced severe hair loss and spoke to my primary care provider, my gynecologist (hormones maybe?) and a dermatologist. I remember the dermatologist said to me “you have a lot of hair, I wouldn’t be worried”… when he…

Tracking my symptoms

At first, I looked into apps like “Me v PMDD” or other means of tracking, but that wasn’t working for me, so I went for an intuitive/digital route (part of why it took so long for me to seek a diagnosis). On my iphone calendar, I blocked out each week with a different “status”, and…

Discovering PMDD

We all know that googling your health concerns isn’t always the brightest idea, and nearly always ends with “Well, I think I have throat cancer and I’m going to die, better write my will and call my family”. But not this time. I knew these things for sure; I was suffering from anxiety, depress, and…

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